Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Thing 32 - Google Maps

This Thing was fun - a little frustrating at times, but fun. And very useful - perhaps mostly in a personal way but also professionally.

I created a map of the Duluth Public Library locations and linked it on my library website. The weird thing is that the first time I clicked on the link on each of my computers, I got a totally different map, of some place in Missouri!! So I'm a little wary of leaving it there.

It worked better on my personal project, which was on a blog for Strikepoint, my handbell ensemble. I embedded a map of a couple upcoming concert locations.

View Pequot Lakes concert sites in a larger map

My next project will be to trace the routes of our annual tours on a map, with placemarks for our concert stops. Our director would like there to be a single map showing all of our tours (for 20 years!), each in a different color, but I don't think Google Maps does that. 


Dave Carlson said...

I would like to keep this map. I was still grade school age, maybe 1951-2, the last time my parents took us to Pelican Lake, north of Brainerd. Breezy Point was a relatively small resort, and we stayed at a point within walking distance south of there. I think it was called Savages. Anyway the satellite view is good enough to jog that long-term memory.

Nancy said...

The concert was last weekend. The sponsoring arts organization housed us at Breezy Point Resort, which is now pretty big! We had a great time, and the concert went well, too.