Friday, March 6, 2009

Thing 27

This Thing has taken a long time to do - not because it's hard or complicated but just because I haven't had the time to both explore Twitter and then to write about it. Just too busy at work!

So I found my Twitter login info from the first set of Things and then found a few people or organizations to follow. I have a hard time remembering to check Twitter! Luria Library (in California) looks like they're using Twitter well - one recent tweet was that the campus Internet system was down, followed shortly by one that said it was back up. That's the kind of instant info that people would find useful.

I watched several of the videos mentioned in the Thing instructions and read some articles. One guy said that he devotes 3-4 hours a day to Twitter. THREE TO FOUR HOURS??? Oh my goodness! I don't want to be that kind of person!

I added a photo and changed the background and color settings of my page. I have posted a couple of times (nancye28) but I have a hard time thinking of anything that's interesting enough to say!

1 comment:

Linda said...

Kind of wonder if some people don't have a life, don't you if they can spend that much time on Twitter? Luria Library's use was my aha moment for Twitter; couldn't really see a use for it before that, but it made things clear. Don't worry about being interesting..just do it. The more you do it, the easier it becomes both to do, and to think what to post. I posted a comment about the Weather Channel desktop showing our -25 temps and later got an @twitter from someone who worked on programming for the app. Who knew he was out there? I know now since he responded with a cute message about showing warmer temps now. Kind of fun.