Friday, March 6, 2009

My Facebook story

I have done more with Facebook in the last six weeks than in the last six months! And for me it's kind of like Twitter - I have a hard time remembering to check it or thinking of anything interesting enough to post.

But a few weeks ago I got a friend request from one of my childhood best friends. This is someone that I haven't heard from since I was entering junior high! She was just enough older than I am that we never went to the same school and as school life became more complicated we drifted apart. She found me on Facebook and sent me a message! If it hadn't been for Facebook, I'm sure I would have never heard from her again.

How cool is this!!


momlasley said...

Finding old friends or schoolmates on Facebook is what has kept me on too! It is also a great way to stalk my kids - and their friends. I have been amazed at how many have asked to add me as their friend. I figured I would be the one ignoring and instead I'm added. Go figure. I don't see the "busyness" on Ning.

Linda said...

Very cool indeed. I had a friend request just like that today from a favorite library patron and artist I hadn't seen but a couple times since taking a job in MN. And it wasn't the first time, either. I just did Facebook because of 23 Things, and now I can't let it go as I intended to do. It's turned out to be a good communication channel in many ways.