Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Thing 8 - Sharing Stuff

We're doing a major remodeling project at my library and I turned a set of "before" photos into a Flickr slideshow and posted that link on our remodeling webpage:


And I found a PowerPoint presentation one of our librarians did and uploaded that to Zoho:

Picture Trail. I have a number of friends who use this site regularly, but this is the first time I've tried it. Parts of the process were really frustrating. I uploaded photos in three separate batches, and it was really annoying to have to re-order the photos after each upload. The way to avoid that would be to upload them in the reverse order that you want them to appear....or not to care what the sequence is. I didn't find a way in Flickr to re-order the photos, but at least they showed up in the slideshow in the same order I uploaded them. I should look to see if there's a way to rearrange the order there. There must be. So anyway, here's the Flick of the next batch of construction photos:

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