Thursday, March 20, 2008

Thing 13 - Online Productivity

The personalized homepage things are way fun! I experimented with each of the three ones mentioned - Google, PageFlakes and Yahoo - and I think I like Google best. I will try it as a personal homepage for a while.

Let's see if the 23 Things coundown widget worked: far, it got the title and the colors right, but the countdown isn't running. Does that give me endless time to complete this??? Didn't think so!

I liked Google Calendar, and created a calendar of events grid for my library:

Calendar of Events Grid  (click ahead to April - that's where I started)

We've had a list of events, 2 months at a time, with links to the webpages describing the events, for several years but people also like to be able to see events plotted out on a grid. One feature I really like about Google Calendar is the ability to have events recur, so the storytime that is on the second Tuesday of each month actually appears on the second Tuesday of every month until you tell it to stop.

I tried the Remember the Milk to do list site. I love To Do lists! (I know, how sad... but it frees up space in my head!) I've used my computer word processor to create To Do lists both at work and at home for a long, long time, so I am a big fan of the concept. I was saying to a colleague that I wasn't sure what the work application of the online to do list is, and she immediately said that it would be great for join projects. So we may try that a little later in the spring on one of our big annual projects.

Backpack looked great! I think that would be very fun to explore if only the free version had more features.

This has been a fun "Thing." I'm looking forward to exploring some of the other sites when I have more time.

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